omg i am bingeing
I have no clue why i am doing this .. i have not had this in 10 years and i am making my self sick..
i am writing this to show my self i am losing it and need help ... I just had adjustment and i am eating anything i want and nothing is stopping me ...
i am in deep depression .... i told my self to stop but what in world am i doing this ...
i swear i am alone ... in this... i am embaressed .. i am soooooo sick i want to vomit.
my hubby is gone and him leaving sent me on tail spin ,, he is gone on bussiness trip
i swear i am going nuts here......
anyone else gone threw this?????? i am soooooooooooo stressed out i know i am
Hi Lisa,
That is weird, because I had this same feeling tonight! I was eating some chili and when I finished, I grabbed a bowl of cherries. As I watched TV, I didn't realize that I had cleaned out the entire bowl! Mind you, I had RNY, so I am still struggling to figure out how it all got down. Anyway, I was so ashamed at myself, that I went into the bathroom, bent over, and.... Thankfully, the chili stayed down. But I was still mad at myself that I purged at all. I have to try and get back to basics, and start mindfully eating again. But it is sooooo hard to just sit and eat, with nothing else to do! GRRRRR.
So, I guess what I am trying to say is that no, you aren't alone. This is still pretty new to all of us, and you gotta expect bumps in the road. The good news is that we are all here to support you and if you need somone to yell, scream and curse at...then go for it! I'm sure you will feel alot better once its out...
I understand completely. I was just in a wedding and at a graduation party. I ended up eating lots of bad stuff at both and I've been so good lately. But I'm gonna get back on track this week and really work out to burn off all the cake and other junk I ate. Don't feel bad, it's gonna happen, and it is hard to keep yourself from doing that, especially when you're depressed. I know that's how I am, I still struggle with it. I only keep healthy food at my house, that way if I can't resist binging, at least it's something high protein and good for me.
I am so sorry to hear about the rough time that you are having. I hope that you don't take offense to this post, but you should probably seek some help with your binging from a psych professional or support group. Binging is a head issue and not a stomach size issue.
I am very sorry to hear that you are depressed, I have been depressed in the past and it is very rough, but there is help out there. I would assume that your surgeon could refer you to a behavioral psychologist or if your insurance won't cover that, most communities have Overeaters Anonymous support groups that are free to attend.
I offer this advise from my own experience. I had a binge eating disorder and bulimia from my early teens until about 3 years ago (I really shouldn't say 'had', I still have it, I just work really hard to choose not to do those things now). I worked extensively with a psych doctor to get over these problems before my surgery because I knew that I would be endangering my life if I didn't.
I hope that you are able to find the help that you need. Good luck.
i prmoiced my self last nite was HUGE bump in tnhe road and today is a new day .. I see a theripits and attend group support meeting
Just very very stressed out ..
I have 2 autistic kids
1 with cystic fibrosis
3 with asthma
dealing with a daughter grieving over the loss of her 12 month old child
1 pregnant cat LOL I'm breeding her
father inlaw in hospice now..
hubby works alot of hours and is gone
had 2 job interviews that did not go very well A young stud muffin showed up .. they always get the job.. in the EMS field
7 kids..
in a law suit right now and costing us over 18 grand right now .. i am just over taxed ..
and i gained 3 lbs back ..
I know i have serious issues to deal with just i need new well more coping skills ..
any suggestions on how anyone has new coping skills? what do they use instead of food when life is stressing them out???
Coping skills i have so far
i wanted to go see a movie .. but seems i didn't use that skill yesterday as i was busy with a child that needed me ..
I can sit in spa and well to be honest i am not skinny enough to pull my self out of the tub w/o falling and hurting myself needed hubby he kis gone out of town
I tried walking but didn't help
I did get some new music to listen to but i got depressed ..
chat online
call a friend
seems none were working for me
But today is a new day and I got to say today is a new day .. New start and stop punishing myself .. at least I can admit i have a problem ..
Your replies were comforting
most skinny people would say see a therpist and be done with the issue but we r human and we all will fall and skin our knees from time to time..
when we fall and skin our knees we don't run to the doctor..? NOOOOOOO
we just clean them up and apply a bandaid and start healing,
I am battling a food addiction if i didn't have one i would never had gotten to be nearly 300 lbs.. I am honest with my self .. ty for support everyone ..
I am back on track today .. protien protien protien
and call my gf and see if she want to see a movie with me today
Lisa, i have followed your story from day one. And you listing everything you are going through explains so much more about all of your posts. Remember that the band is a great tool and the best thing is that one bad day can be forgotten as you get back on track the next. But please, don't binge and purge. Purging is horrible for your band and can cause more problems than just allowing your body to keep the items that weren't so good for you. I'm glad you are getting back on track today. Also remember that lapBand board is great.
As for outlets for stress... Definately do the music thing. Sing like no tomorrow. Dance like no one is watching. And when all else fails, go hit the gym. Learn to use the gym as your quiet time, your place of relaxation and your place for you.
LIfe is tough for your right now, but it will get better.
Hi Lisa,
You know you have so much on your plate and most of us eat to comfort ourselves. It got us to where we are today and so we know this type of comfort isn't really comfort at all. I am in therapy and I am so thankful because I had no idea how hard the emotional part of the eating addiction would be. I felt so overwhelmed and unprepared but I couldn't use food the way I use to just because my body wouldn't let me anymore with the new restriction. Have to face my food issues cause there's no other way to turn.
My therapist has me write 3 DTR's a day. They are a piece of paper with columns and they are, date, situation, automatic thoughts, emotions, alternative response and outcome.
The situation can be anything, like felt like I wanted to eat all day. The automatic thought would be something like, I'm scared I am losing control again with my eating. What if I fail? Then comes the emotion part, what were you feeling right then. Maybe it would be anxious, stressed, fearful, anger, etc. The alternative response is what could you say or do for yourself that turns it into something postive or something helpful which might be something like, I do have control, I've taken a wonderful step with my surgery to be in control of my eating and in control of my life. I need to be softer with myself and trust that I will move forward a little more every day. I usually don't even do anything for the outcome, don't know why. But when my therapist first suggested this to me I thought, please, it's like jounaling. But to my amazement she knew what she was talking about, it has helped immensly. It gets you to a place where you really start going deep and thinking and finding some answers to your behaviour. They're also good to go back and read from time to time.
I hope I didn't ramble on too long but I just really felt a pull on my heart and I think you would really benefit from doing something like this. I can only imagine how little time you get for yourself in a day but try to gift yourself from time to time whenever you can. I will send a prayer up for you too.
Good luck,