Does anyone feel really hungry?
Feels so good to be finally down 4 lbs from monday.. after 5 week stalling... I think I am finally restricted.. .. yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
Also pass the mental battle I am starving in my head and tummy says no way .. so glad i am in the i'm not hungry mode .. much easier to not think about food
This weekend i am having a huge graduating party for my daugher she is graduating with honors from CSUB with 4 year RN degree and having 30 plus people here to feed and gonna be so hard since my family does not know i had surgery .. but today i am going in for crwon lengthing which means they r cutting my gums so that will be my excuse I am not eating..
Question to everyone do u feel hungry like u can eat a horse mode? or just hungry i could eat or not hungry?
Well i am heading for a job interview this am with american medical response .. wish me luck .. and hope they can see past the fat...
be well all
I am so glad the restriction really did the trick for you!! And crossing my fingers for success on your interview - your new-found confidence and upbeat mood will win them over!!
It's funny you posted this because I was just coming to the board to ask a similar question. So far, I'm not hungry at all. I had head hunger a few times in the first couple of weeks after surgery, but that is not an issue right now. Mine is more being really tired of playing Russian Roulette with food and wondering if it will make me sick, and then sure enough it does and that is getting really old really fast. today I feel like if I just don't bother eating I won't get sick and throw up. Now, I know that's not the right thing to do, so I won't do it, but I did just have runny Cream of Wheat for breakfast because I didn't even want to risk my trusty cottage cheese on my irritable pouch.
So I'm just frustrated at my pouch and my tired of the
Poor Inky. I never get sick with anything I eat. Sometimes I find myself in pain after a few bites of something and I just stop, but I know it's cause I didn't chew enough or the bites were too big, but I don't fear eating anything....wonder why your pouch is so irritable? I hope you get over this soon, that's not any fun at all! This journey for me has been a total cake walk all the way around, and I started eating some foods earlier than I was supposed to even.