So, how long do these "stalls" last?
Well, that makes me feel a bit better. I had decided to stay away from these boards because of all of the "I've lost 23 pounds in one week" posts, it was really hard seeing that everywhere when I've been stalled and am not doing anything wrong. I'll ride it out till it's over I guess, not really much else I can do, now is there?! Thank you for your post
I've been stalled too, actually I think I've gained a little I don't know what to do, I'm trying to up my exercise. I've started a step aerobics class and am using a treadmill and exercise bike at the Y. hopefully I'll start horseback riding in the next couple weeks too. maybe that'll get me out of this. it's so discouraging. my depression is coming back full force
Are you getting in enough calories from food? I noticed you talked about eating just a few bites. My weight stalled when I was not getting enough food into me. It went into starvation mode and I stopped losing.
So, my advice, review your intake and hopefully you are getting at least 600 but better would be 800 calories a day to keep you body in a losing mood.
Best of luck and try not to get too down!
I'm trying Sharra, but when I start eating, a few bites in, more often than not it becomes painful so I just quit eating. I'm trying to chew more and eat slower, but it seems I just always find myself with pain in my chest. I'll keep trying to eat more calories a day and find out if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion.