complications with my first fill
I was all set to have it done today the doc was getting ready to fill it and he could not feel where my port was.. he dug and dug and the pain was soooooooooooooooooooo bad ouch he said u have two lumps i have no clue which is the port and which is a fat tumor .. so I am being refered out to a radilologist to have my first fill.. this is a 10 k procedure ugh .. I was told this may be normal way for a fill for me I am so upset as this could be very expensive and only way I may get my fills @ 10k a fill. so this may slow my progress. due to this being expensive if i have to go this route, sometimes insurence refuses to fill it this way.. Lots of pain tonight... having to search for a port is very very painful ... i am very down and depressed about this .. i have zero restriction right now he said the band was lose when he put it on .. only up side is he said we can really really see how much u will need to give me the max benifit of a fill instead of guessing.. he said..
so now i have to just wait tell the schedule me next..
be well Lisa
I was hoping so .. The doc told me "Lisa where is your port" and I said are u sure u put it in there he dug and dug I had tears going down my face and was so painful and said well i feel two bumps and i cannot tell which is which but fat tumor which happens with alot of weight loss .. good sign i suppose . u think they could tell the difference guess not but he also said if i miss i could punture the tubing and that would not be good
be well Lisa
Hmmm....I'm not a doctor and I probably don't know what the hell I'm talking about or about to say....but what if they took an xray of I think the fatty tumor would show up but wouldn't the band and what it's connected to so they could determine where it is. Just a thought. Like I said I'm clueless but I dated a radiology tech for a while and he used to show me crazy xrays and if there is something in your body that's unnatural (like a plastic device) it should show up right?
Wow that sounds sooo painful! I'm so sorry that happened to you!
Forgive my ignorance.. but when you go and get the x-ray (that costs 10 grand) and they find your port .... can't you take a sharpie and put a little circle or x there? And just refre**** from time to time?
But maybe the doc you had wouldn't be able to find it even if there where three arrows pointing there... I don't know. Just my thoughts.
I will keep you in my prayers!