For females only
LOL mine is 3 days late. My hubby had a vesectomy 6 weeks before my surgery. I sure hope I'm not pregnant! I have a friend that got pregnant after a two year old vesectomy.
I'm glad I'm not the only one late. I usually feel when I ovulate.. and I swear I ovulated twice this month. Weird I know... But I don't know what else the feeling could have been.
Angie did your doc run a prolactin level? I am still bleeding .. 10 days ugh...
I was hoping my period went missing LOL.. I been soooooooooooooo moody PMS. .. I am not the crying type ,, I hate acting so female LOL. I am type that rarely cries .. really i am is this menopause?????????? teen years comming back or what? if i start pimples i am gonna lose it. I am so bloated .. fingers r swollen .. oh and the cramps and backache.. OH i better not start ovuating LOL I was looking for retirement .. of no more period not more periods grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
be well Lisa
I wonder what the guys that had wls are going threw LOL