Anybody dump out the rear yet?
Well I had my first food rejection and omg.. Rule 2 never try anything new while shopping at walmart..or anywhere for that matter.....
My daughter got a sausage mc muffin and gave me half of it and i chewed chewed and chewed it down and about 30 mins later it came up and i ran to bathroom and while getting rid of that I shot out the rear as well .. talking about being embarerssed.. so had to call my daughter from the stall like u can talk w./o people not hearing u ... gave her my atm card and told her to buy me some clothes .. to wear home and of couse she bought me clothes that were huge on me LOL
Rule 2 never try any new food while away from home!!!!!!!
be well all
Oh Lisa, poor you! I had a bad episode at the Cash and Carry checkout stand. I had a stricture and didn't know it, and I had thrown up some chicken (in the parking lot) about 20 minutes before shopping and thought I was OK. When the poor kid handed me my money, I sneezed into my hand and up came a huge load of mucous and chicken bits all over my hand, the money, and my shirt. I ran out of there faster than lightning!
omg Lisa - that is so not funny but funny! The other day I went to lunch with my boyfriend and tried to eat some spaghetti sauce. It was such a small amount but it made me immediatly sick. I puked so hard I peed my pants. Thankfully we were at a park and not in 'real' public - but I like your Rule #2 - never tru and new food while away from home!!