Not doing so good... Food sticking in my throat right now...
My latest update on me is not good. First I know I am not getting in enough protein or liquids. Also, I have been having awful problems with certain foods sticking in the back of my throat and causing me pain and nausea. I have that right now, and have already had the dry heaves from it once today. YUCK! This past 2 weeks have been hell on me and I really need support here... Please if anyone has any good remedies for when you get these stuck feelings, please feel free to respond. I will post again later on when I get feeling better.
Hi Jessica,
Mainly chicken and turkey bother me right now. But have had problems with cheesesticks too. I had one of them today and that is what was bothering me. I am doing much better now, had to pound the **** out of my chest and the stuck feeling finally subsided after a few minutes of that. Whew do I hate those feelings though when I get them. They are awful.
I agree with David's slow, small, slurry approach. Also, I don't know what kind of chicken and turkey you are doing but you may want to start with the thin-sliced deli meats if you are having trouble. Also, I can't do string cheese either. It gets stuck. I don't have any suggestion there other than moving on and trying something else like cottage cheese. We all learn that some things just don't work.
It is something that I was having troubles with. Someone told me that my body might be telling me that I have ate too much or it is too heavy on my stomach....because I have no feeling in my stomach... the only way it could send a message was that way..
Cut your food up so small that if you were to not to chew it would be smaller than an M&M....Try that and eat sooooo slow.......I hope this helps.
Hi Clayton,
I started having these problems last week. Have you called your doctor? The reason I ask is that mine feels it may be one of these two things:
1. The beginning of a stricture. If I can no longer keep down liquids I will need an endoscopy.
2. Irritation and swelling from something that caused the first vomiting. For me it was pills a week ago Sunday, then turkey, then chicken, which I think I ate too fast and by then I was done for. I thought the chicken was bad, but my husband tried it and he was fine.
My doc asked me to stay on mushy food for a couple of days, then introduce something soft but "real." He suggested fish as chicken and turkey can be stringy and hard to digest, especially if baby tummy is already irritated. Since then I have kept down my 3 pills, all my vitamins, water, cottage cheese, beans, hummus, chicken spread (canned underwood brand) for the last four days. I decided right now keeping food and water down was critical until my tummy settled down, and didn't worry about protein, but I did okay with that today. I also was able to eat a piece of string cheese each of the last two days, and that was something I had not tried yet.
Anyway, the bottom line is, please, please call your doctor and let him/her know what is going on. If it is a stricture it is an easy fix, and you (and I) should not be suffering when we eat. That part definitely is not right and you aren't alone.
Hugs, surgery buddy, hang in there and please let us know what the doc says!!