Update on Stricture Status
Hi all,
I was able to keep down water in the last 24 hours, as well as cottage cheese, and a bit of ricotta for dinner. I just spoke to the doctor and he feels it may be a stricture, but since I can keep down liquids and soft food, it may also have been irritation and swelling caused by some food this week. I did try to eat soft chicken that wasn't as mushy as it could have been, even though I chewed it to mush before swallowing. Bad Inky pays the price.
My 3 pills (pepcid, atenolol and urso) could also be the culprits. He suggested some changes to the way I take my meds (spaced out over time and crush the urso because it's big), as well as to stay on mushy food until my next appt on June 4th. Of course, if things get worse I need to get my behind up to Fresno asap, but at this point, we shall be cautious and move forward.
I forget that the inside of me takes much longer to heal, now that I see the outside healed and changing so quickly. I need to be more patient with myself and take baby steps for my baby tummy.