Unjury Protien Powder; with water or milk?
Hello my fellow A- team members. Has anyone else been using the Unjury proein powder. I definitely need to use it to supplement my protein intake because I am still struggling. I purchased the strawberry sorbet, chocolate and unflavored. I mixed the strawberry with water and did not like it at all.
Has anyone used it with milk? I assume it will also bring up the protein grams.

I never liked any of the protein powders with water. I used one scoop of non-fat dry milk (you can find it in boxes on the same aisle as flour and baking goods at the grocery store) mixed with one scope of protein powder plus 5 ice cubes and 7/8 cup of water. Milk and protein powder mixed with low fat brocolli cheese soup is good too. Skim milk works as well, though I find it easier to keep the dry powdered milk on hand and mix it as I need to.
I use the unflavored Unjury every day by mixing with any flavor crystal lite. That is my morning snack. I make it a double.
I had to get use to it at first, but now it's not that bad.
Then sometimes at night I make Chocolate with skim milk. I really like that. Oh, I also have mixed the unflavored with SF hot chocolate.
Hope that helps!!! Good Luck.

I tried a few proiens. I HIGHLY recomment the GNC brand. it's call "Pro performance Whey protien", This is the only one I can tolerate. It is flovorless. I mix it in the magic bullet with 8 oz of fat free milk and a 1/2 of a banana. AWESOME!!!
Also, I tried "New-whey" liquid protien. it's like a test tube full of orange syrup (3.1 oz). this gives me 42 grams of protien without any sugar or carbs. A definite way of supplementing the protien requirement. Give it a try and let me know what ya's think!