Confused a bit...
Ok.. I sure hope I can explain myself and my confusion clearly....
I'm on the full liquid diet till the 15th..
I have a plan here that involves no drinking a half hour after and before meals. And the meals are supposed to be 1 oz of protein drink or pudding or something like that. And then I'm sipping water the rest of the time.
I quickly found out that there was no way I could get 60 grams of protein in during my meals without adding it elsewhere. So I started drinking Nectar fuzzy naval instead of water and adding unflavored protein powder to everything. I'm also drinking 60 oz of water a day on top of my protein drinks. I have no problem at all drinking large amounts of water. I was down to 290 lbs on Monday and I was so happy.. but I was hungry. So I had a sample of Cookies and Crème protein mix and used milk 2%! (it was all we had at the time) I thought the milk would add protein. But now I'm reading it's bad fat and calories wise. I drank a 10 oz of it no problem. Goodness. did I ruin it all? I have no issues with dairy at all. I drank those 10 oz in a hour though. But I felt sooo much better afterwards. I had energy! I didn't realize how many calories those protein drinks have.
I'm up 3 lbs now though. Did I do something wrong? I"m also confused about the half hour before and after meals.. when my meals are liquid themselves. I had two other NUT come into my hospital room telling me what I needed to do.. and it was the opposite of what my doc's NUT said. They told me to just drink and keep my protein up and not to worry about the amount or the water breaks. I'm so bad at understanding all of this. Does anyone else feel like it's information overload?
Do calories and fat matter at this stage? Also.. I remember reading that I needed to take 30 minutes to finish my 1 oz of whatever... the first 3 to 4 days that was ok.. but now.. it's just not like that. I'm done in 10 minutes. And I eat with a baby spoon and out of a 1 oz dish.
I don't feel good if I don't drink my protein shakes.
I have a feeling I'm going to be one of those people that don't dump.... my loratab is 6 grams of sugar every tbs and I have to take one and a half.. and it doesn't bother me at all.
I drank some homemade chicken broth that was full of fat and it didn't even bother me. I added unflavored protein powder to that but ended up drinking 4 oz yesterday. grrrrr I got 20 grams of protein from it though! But now I'm thinking I did it all wrong.
Will this work for me? I know I need to do the work.. I'm just afraid I've messed up already so early on in the game... and I'm a bit confused. Sorry if I didn't make any sense.
Any advice and encouragement would be appreciated. I really want to work this to it's full potential. But I also want to have the energy I need to live and do the jobs I need to do during the day.
p.s. I find that when I don't get my 60 protein in.. I'm napping nearly all day the next day.
I also take 4 vitamins a day.. Opti something or other.. made for GB peoples.

Hi Shakeira!
Ok, I'm going to start with the usual: I'm not a doctor and you should follow your doctor's plan. If you aren't sure what it should be, call them, that's what they are there for!
As to my liquid diet post-surgery (it was for 7 days) - I had to drink 64 oz, and that could include ANY liquids (water/broth/tea/diluted juice), as well as protein drinks made with water or milk, if tolerated. My doctor's office and his nutritionist both said not to be concerned regarding the protein in that first week, but to work on the liquids and vitamins. I did not have to wait the 30 min before/after because it was all liquid I was taking in. I remember that specifically because I asked in the nutrition class and wrote it in my notes.
On the 8th day I started pureed foods and as of that date had to be at 60g protein, which could come from food and/or protein drinks. Now I do wait the 30 min before/after to take in any liquid after I eat my 1-2 oz of pureed whatever (mostly chicken, egg salad, soup, refried beans).
I do not feel energetic either unless I have all my fluids and my protein. But remember, you're only out a couple of weeks, you will be tired and you will have good days and not so good days. Make sure you are walking in addition to your current regimen. I know that really helps me with energy, if you can believe it.
You aren't alone, and it sounds like you are doing fine, you will lose, you will plateau and then you will lose again, don't be hard on yourself.
Keep up the good work!!
My plan is the same as Inky's. You do not have to wait the 30 minutes when you are on liquid protein. It is all liquid and just goes in and out according to my program nurse. The 30 minutes before and after was when you start solids. It should be a tbs of protein and tbs of carb(fruit, veggie, etc).
Once on the newer plan you supplement your solids with liquid protein drinks. In addition you need to get 64 oz of water in the help flush everything out.
Hope this helps!
Sounds like you are doing great! I still have a hard time getting my protein in and I am doing pureeds. I have to have the protein drinks or I barely meet my minimum amount which is 50.
Also, my nut said to drink at least 2 cups of milk a day. I use skim/fat-free though. Also trying lactaid since I think I might have become lactose intolerant.
Are you on YouTube?
Only problem that I might see is that you might be washing the protein shakes out of your stomach too fast... Try to drink like 2-4 oz. then come back to it like 30 mins later.someone told me that I was hungry it was probably that reason..and yes fat does matter for us RNY ers. You can get diarrhea if you have too much..... Hope that helps..