2 week post-op doctors visit and a new milestone reached!!!!
Hi all,
Just thought I would give everyone an update on how I am doing. I am continuing to do great and feel awesome. I had my 2 week post op doctors appt today and made out great. I have lost 20 lbs since my surgery, which puts me UNDER 300 lbs. WHOO HOO!! This is a milestone for me to be under 300 lbs, since the last time I was under that was about 10 years ago! I am so pleased with the results so far and am so happy that I had this surgery. I also had my G-Tube out today as well which was a great relief to me to have that damn thing out. Was driving me crazy. lol. Anyway, I am now on purees! YAHOO! What a change that is going to be to finally have some real food! Am continuing to tolerate everything just fine too. I will post again in a couple weeks and let everyone know how things have been going for me.