Holy dumping batman!!
Yes, dumping is real. I guess I just needed to find out for myself. I have been doing so good since my surgery. No sickness, tolerating everything I ate, etc. So this morning, I was at a conference and the only thing I could find to eat that I thought might be safe was a muffin. Once I took a bite, I tasted the yummy sugar topping. Did I stop, nope, figured, I am only eating a couple of bites, what's the big deal? Well, the big deal is that I dumped in front of my boss while I was working in our exhibition booth! First, I felt incredibly warm (in a freezing cold hall), then the heart racing, then I ran to the ladies room for the dry heaves. Real nice. Luckily, my boss likes me so he was more concerned than anything. But a dumb move none the less.
I do have to say though, that the one positive is that I am really happy to know that I do in fact dump. I was so scared because things were going so well that I wouldn't have any reaction to sugar and sooner or later, I would succumb to the evil sugar devil. I am sure I am not the only person to feel that way.......
I thought it was me...Chicken and beef make me feel like I am about to get sick...I have to lay down right away or I get heart palpatations....I thought man I am not gonna eat that ever again..so lately I am eatting alot of cottage cheese, fish, cheddar and mozzarela cheese. I am almost scared to eat meat. I hate that feeling that you get when the meats kick in. I know that rice and salsa does me in also...I did get sick with that and I thought I was having a heart attack.....