I am having hard time getting fluids down me seems more water I drink no room for protien or food ..well mushies
So I am unable to have a BM. They said i can take milk of magnesia.. not helping tried a enemia helped some but i have only had 2 bowl movement since surgery ack.....
I was thinking of trying apricot nector and try stomach prune juice.. not sure i should try daily fiber therpy but is it normal to be really constipated? 3 weeks post op? .. I am dying of pain. I mean really hurts..
Just so hard drinking fluid ... but goal total is drink aquarium water I mean water LOL I hate water .. can't u tell ? LOL
Be well

I had the same problem. After five days, I started Milk of Magnesia everyday to try and get things moving. After three days of this I called my surgeon back and they said take it every hour until you go. I knew there was no way I could meet my protein and water goals but decided getting relief was the priority. Finally, late the third day it started working.
One other suggestion was unsweetened prune juice. Yuck, no way I could drink that but maybe it will work for you.
Good luck, it sure is a miserable feeling.
Fiber Fiber Fiber. I've been munching on Sugar Free Fiber Choice chewables to get around 12g of fiber per day (inulin). I've not been constipated, but wanted to prevent it. Also, there are some good new powdered fiber supplements that can be mixed with protein shakes or even water/crystal lite. I've got Fibersure in my cabinet for just such occasions. I've averaged a movement every 2-3 days this way without much fuss.
I had a horrible past 4 hours with the a week's worth of constipation. I am drinking all my water, my protein hovers at 58-62.
I am taking extra iron, and my stool was very, very dark. I finally had to use a fleet enema, not fun, and pardon the pun, it's been a crappy 4 hours or so.
I am exhausted and sore all over.
Tomorrow I'm calling my doctor to see if I can take Benefiber or something to prevent this. From what I googled, iron does cause constipation in adults, and he has me on three 29 mg chewables a day for 30 day, because I left the hospital with anemia.
All i can say is ugh.

ouch u poor girl ... I am going alittle .. I tried chewable fiber finished off my milk of magnesia bottle had a enemia and and warm apple juice and my results were pathectic i am wondering i am not eating much so may i am not suppose to have a BM or i could be just full of crap .. pardon the pun
be well Lisa
I've not had any problems with constipation yet...knock on wood. However, I did notice the more cheese I ate the longer it would take for me to go. I was having a BM everyday and I started eating a lot of cheese...cheese in omelets, cheese on refried beans, string cheese, cottage cheese...and so on and noticed they are a lot more spaced out, every 2-3 days. I remember when I was a kid that my grandmother always told me to not eat so much cheese because it would constipate you. So I wonder if that could be a source of your problem?? Just a thought.