In need of support... WARNING: Complaining.
I am reading through all the posts and everyone is doing so good. I'm not sure that I am though. My surgery was RnY on April 19th. Everything makes my tummy grumble no matter how slow I eat. I am exhausted but can't sleep. I use to love Crystal Lite and can't stomach(or pouch) it at all. Tried cranberry juice even watered down and that causes pain. Even cold and room temperature water. I have made sure I get my liquids and protein in and as of yesterday I am on pureeds. Everything I have tried feels like it is stuck in my chest and I want to throw it up but I don't. At first sugar-free fudgesicles felt nice and creamy and now it causes major grumbles.
All I want to do is be able to eat one egg so I can write down I had that protein. I feel so alone even though my husband is here and is being as supportive as he can. I don't know what is feeling full, what is my pouch not liking it... well except the stomach cramping from water type stuff. I didn't think I would actually be asking myself "What the hell did I do to myself?" but at times I am. I know I didn't make a snap judgement and I know this is the right thing but I want to know what I am doing wrong.
Highest: 309
Surgery: 251
Current: 237 (lower than my weight in Junior high)
I had the same thing happen to me and it still does. I found that everybody tolerates different foods in a different way, and what you thought you can tolerate, sometimes you can't and sometimes trying the different foods at different times works too. Does that make sense? Eating too fast is one of the causes. My nutritionist gave me some great goes....Start eating more solid foods and chewing very very slowly. Put your spoon or fork down between each bite. Staying on a soft diet too long is not good. Your new stomach has to get used to eating real food. I experienced the exact same stuck feeling, and still get that from time to time. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you know that nobody has the perfect recovery you think they do.
Kathy V.
Thank you very much for your reply. I am still going to stay on pureeds for 3 weeks but I do understand about the time of day. Maybe my tummy just didn't like eggs for dinner. I will see about even slower but half an egg takes an hour to eat and then I don't get that stuck feeling until 10 - 15 minutes after I finish eating. I will try harder, it was just a bad day yesterday. I figure everyone has there up and down days.
Hi Brandy,
I've only been on pureed foods for four days now, but I've had these stuck, grumbly feelings too. I think it's when I eat just a bit too fast, or the food is not settling well with me. Half of a scrambled egg on Thursday knocked me back for about 4 hours, so no more scrambled eggs for me. Will try something like the inside of a deviled egg next. It's all about learning what your tastes are and what your new baby tummy (pouch) likes. Don't be discouraged, just know it's normal.
Just last night i was complaining how miserable I was trying to sleep, and here it is almost 4 a.m. and I am awake. I had hoped to be able to work by today, but some constant soreness in my mid-section is keeping me from being able to sit and type (I am a transcriber) for longer than 10-15 minutes at a time.
So for me, although I fell better a little ever day, it is a lesson each time I put something in my mouth. cold water feels good in my mouth, not good in my tummy. crystal lite is now too sweet, so I dilute it, sugar free popsicles are a life saver, and low-sodium v8 is perfect for taking some of my pills, which are too difficult with water, pureed chicken is good, pureed red meat - no way, etc.
Be patient with yourself, and this is what I say to myself - baby tummy equals baby steps

Thank you so mu*****y! I was suppose to go back to work today too but my Doc said he didn't think I was ready. I was told 3 more weeks to be able to handle things better.
I will give watering down the Crystal lite and trying again.
I typically suffer from insomnia anyways but the sleeping pills only last a few hours now.
Thank you for the help and I will try the patience thing too

I completely understand, somethings make me feel the same way, I tried eggs this weekend and got sick as a dog
I couldn't eat all day Saturday, just went back to full liquids for the day. I have found I like my water ICE cold, I mean I put it in the freezer for a little while, that is what works best for me, try different things til you find what works for you we are all different, but going through similar things. also try SF Popsicles, and ice chips that also count towards your fluid intake.
lol jen

Hi Brandy,
I am sorry that you are having such a hard time with the foods. My MD prescribred the Rx Protonix for me when I left the hospital. I too had the grumbles for the first few days post surgery. Once I started the Rx it all stopped. Maybe this will help. I hope you have much better days to come.
Seems my problem with food was it was possibly way to dry and I am taking Tums for the calcium at the moment and it has helped too. I also quit drinking milk at the moment. I had no grumbles yesterday nor today so far. I need to head to the store to buy a milk substitute. Thank you for your suggestion.
I was feeling like that also at first...but about the Crystal lite issue...I found a drink called FUZE they have 2 drinks that we can have and they are great on is strawberry melon it has 2 grams of sugar per bottle and then there is a tropical punch that has 0 sugar.....They are great and it makes me feel like I did not have to give up everything to drink... I was a regular coffee drinker and soda pop to have this other than water is a treat....As for the stomach grumbles....I think it is normal...mine is doing it all the time....I think that is when our stomach is releasing the it might be a good thing.....Hang in are doing great....