Tired today
I was reading Lisa's post over in the weigh in thread and wanted to say - for some reason today I'm just beat. After my 1.5 mile walk this morning, I just had to crash on the couch for a nap. Been run down all day - maybe my body's still just adjusting to the change in fuel sources. Also my allergies have been bugging me today - lilac's in bloom everywhere around here - so maybe that plays a role too. I'd take my nasal steroids, but they inhibit healing so none for me. I'll ask if Benadryl is legal - though that won't help much with energy levels..LOL
Thanks, and yep I've been taking my b-12 and optisource vitamins. I think it has to do with my BP meds - I'll have to talk with the NP at our program today. I woke up this morning with BP of 112/66 so I'm going to wait to take my BP meds until I've done a few things today and take my BP again, maybe I don't need it anymore?