Weekend exercise??......
How'd everyone do???
I am on a work trip to Boston and I have walked pretty much everywhere. Walked to the point that my legs were pratically vibrating yesterday. Wish I had brought a pedometer..... The next three days I will be in a convention center on my feet all day and walking, walking, walking, everywhere. I don't have a scale here and it feels like I left an arm at home or something. That can't be healthy. In any case, I will be majorly bummed if there is not some downward movement on the scale when I get home! How's everyone else doing?
Ok, I overdid it this morning with my walk. I headed out with iPod in hand to do my 20-30 minute walk down to the marina, and thought - why not walk out to the lighthouse. The urge to walk the beach back to the park by my house struck and Ii was committed. It turned out to be a 75 minute walk, followed by a 60 minute nap - whew!
I'm suprized I could make it that far, but won't soon do that again. My rule from here out is only walk so far away that I can walk back without collapsing into the couch