Time to pass the Baton
Hello all of you "April 2007 Surgery Date" folks,
It is time to pass the baton. All of us over in the "May 2007 Surgery Date" message board and chat room have been waiting patiently (well...at least trying to be patient) for you all to take your turn at your surgery dates. Your month has drawn to a close and you all have started your new journey as "official postops" and now you are all running down the hill toward the new you. May it be a safe and pleasant journey for all of you.
Over in the "May 2007 Surgery Date" forum we have had several regular chats now since the latter part of April. We just wanted you to know that you are all welcome to our weekly chats. We will be meeting in our chat room on Sunday evenings starting at:
6pm Pacific
7pm Mountain
8pm Central
9pm Eastern
(these are, of course, simultanious times - We will be chatting for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours...we just let it finish and wind down on its own)
Please feel free to stop in for any length of time and share your experiences during our time slot. Also, feel free to organize your own "April 2007 Surgery Date" chat (it's so easy) in order to get to know one another a bit better. You all share a very special and unique bond.
On behalf of the May Surgery folks, we offer you all the best of luck and wish great success on your new journey.