The crazy dreams.....
I haven't seen this post-op effect posted yet, so I thought i'd throw it out there to make sure that lack of food isn't making me looney
Since my surgery I have been having recurring dreams that I am binge eating or that I am eating stuff that I shouldn't (like fattening or sugary foods). In the dream I always feel so disappointed in myself like I just ruined the surgery. And they are really vivid dreams so much that I wake up sometimes and think that it actually could have happened (it hasn't, thank god). Any one else having these? I really hope it stops because its freaking me out.
NO. I have not but I have had alot of crazy dreams lately. I always try to analyze what the dreams thoughts are saying. You may want to keep a journal and write those down. Think about how your inner thoughts possibly subconciously are just allowing you to talk without speaking. Keep sharing with us. M.Y.
I dont dream that I am eating things I shouldn't, but I do dream that I am constantly figuring calories and protein. My husband says that I am obsessed. I told him that I just want to do things right. Unlike him who can eat anything and never gain an ounce. He has been the same weight for as long as I've know him (9years).
Hi Jessica,
I haven't had any recurring dreams, but I did have one when I was still on full liquids. In the dream I was buttering a piece of bread for my stepson and then I took a bite of it! In the dream I thought to myself, "OH no, what have I done?!" and then I woke up.
I was so glad it was only a dream