Can't tell when I'm full or not
I'm having the same issues. I don't feel hungry (except I get really tired when I don't eat), and then when I do eat, I can't tell if I've eaten too little or too much or what....I haven't felt discomfort or vomited, either. I think we just have to train our brains to recognize the signals, but not sure how to do that.
I just got back from my surgeons office for my post-op appointment...I'm down 15 lbs in 9 days..wooohooo. OK got that off my chest. I asked him about not feeling full. He said you should never feel "full". He said feeling "full" got you to where you are and why you needed this surgery. He said you should only eat until your satisifed or until your hunger is gone. He said the best thing to do is measure..measure. Only eat the amount you are allowed. And I'm finally allowed purees for a week then on to soft food next Thursday whi*****ludes crackers and toasted bread...woohooo!!!