My surgery on the 20th went fine and I had such wonderful care at NE medical Center in Concord, NC. Unfortunately I had to have a hernia repair which was suppose to be a small hernia which actually was a large hernia involving the large bowel. So most of my pain is coming from the hernia repair. But anyway, I am so hungry, I am on liquids an aiming for 60 gr. of protein and 60 oz. of fluid daily. On Monday I wanted a good old Southern biscuit soaked with butter and yesterday I wanted scrambled eggs. So am I crazy or what?
My cravings r like that .. I want a steak and yam or even worse I want KFC and I don't even like KFC..before surgery I crave salt .. real bad ... I mean real bad
I want cheese ... the list goes on LOL
U r not crazy just our head playing games with us lol
I hate tv commercials LOL all the food .. thank heaven for tivo .. fast forward threw the KFC commmercials
Obesity is contributed to food commercials I feel ....
Be Well
They Lied!! Everyone who I talked to about gastric surgery told me they were not hungry and the surgery actually cut out part of the stomach that sensed hunger. So was I surprised that I was craving these foods. Oh well adjustment are a good thing some times. I find that drinking water does help with my cravings and I am glad for the support that other people are in the same boat.
No you are not crazy at all!! I know exactly how you feel. I was staying hungry all the time because the stuff I was eating/drinking just wasn't what I was wanting. I got really upset/depressed my 1st weekend home because my husband and I always went out ever Saturday to our favorite chinese restaurant. I had been telling my mom that I just wish I could have some chinese food. When she came over yesterday she had stopped at my favorite chinese restuarant and got some hot/sour soup and asked them to remove most the vegetables which left just broth. And let me say that was the best meal I've had since I had my surgery. I finally feel satisfied for the 1st time in over a week. And my hungery is gone....THANK GOODNESS!!