Lap Band 2 weeks out
I had the Lap Band Surgery on the 6th of April, I did the liquid diet for the first 7 days then I eat Mashed Potatoes with alot of Fat Free Skim Milk to make them runny. well on Saturday the 21st, I eat a couple gold fish, I know that is bad but they stayed down very well. I went for my check up with the DR on Monday the 23rd and He told me I still should be on liquid food for another week then going to soft foods.
has anyone out there noticed that all the doctors are soooooo different for the same surgery ?????
I need a little advise to stay away from foods like this.
The biggest thing that is keeping me from eating everything I want is the fear that I might get nausiated from the food because my body is still healing and then my band might slip. So if you think of that consequence every time you want to eat something you shouldnt, then you won't eat it. Plan you meals for the day in the morning and try not to snack. Sip Sip Sip your water.
Hi Tammy...I am 6 days post op and have found from all the different posts and each and every doctor is different...I do not start my "full liquid foods" until May I still have over a week of clear liquids...even though on Monday I get to start back on protein shakes. My advise is to follow what your doctors says.....eventually you will be able to eat those gold fish and have the mashed potatoes (which I personally am very much looking forward to)
I am not hungry at all and I just don't think I could eat anything that would jepordize the healing of my band......The hardest time I have is when my kids eat.....out of habit I just eat their leftovers......not anymore of course and that feels good not to even want to eat. Life is changing and all for the good....keep up the good work and I hope that all goes well for you. Marcy

What i was told is that follow what your doc tells u ... because if anything goes wrong u will have to answer him/her ... why u were eating this or that ...
I was surprised I was put on full liquids 24 hours later but I am doing well and today protien is going down great ... and faster..
Be well