Last post before surgery! Surgery in 2 days! Very nervous today!
Hi all,
Just wanted to update you one last time before my surgery. I am all packed and ready to go for thursday! Very nervous today for some reason though. Been feeling like I am on pins and needles all morning!
Been quite a stressful week for me this week though because of some issues with my fathers workplace. The plant that he worked at burned on friday and it was a very stressful weekend for us wondering if he was going to be out of a job or not.
Thank god they are going to rebuild the plant and everyone will keep their jobs. They are also going to pay everyone for the time that it takes to rebuild the plant too.
All I have to do now is just do my bowel prep tomorrow and get the Last minute things packed(lol and I said I was packed... lol) and I will be ready to go. Wish me luck and I will see you on the losers bench soon!

Clayton I'll be rooting for you on the side lines! Take time today to destress and relax. Meditate on how awesome you are gonna look & feel once your transformation begins after surgery! You're gonna do great I just know it! Glad everything turned out with your father's work situation. Now with that load off your mind it's time to breathe deep & let the good times roll!!!! I'll keep your seat warm on the losers bench!
Lisa S.