How many insicions do you have from the laproscopic procedure?
Hey! That's how many incisions I have also. And believe me -- they look a whole lot better once that tape and stuff comes off!
Dr. Ben-Meir had told me when I first met with him that sometimes a sixth incision is needed when there looks to be scar tissue or something else blocking the way. I wonder if that is what happened to your friend.
How's the sipping going?
HEY!!! I was just thinking about you!! How are you doing! I am doing awesome!! The last couple days were rough for me mentally...physically I've felt great!! The emotional and mental size were fighting me... but with prayer and bible reading I feel great today!!
Email me if you want to! I'd love to keep in touch with you! [email protected]
I've got 6. 5 around the belly button, and 1 on my right side. The one on the right side is the only one that bothers me. Mostly when I stand, or go to sit down.
I've been fortunate enough to be able to sleep on my left side since the first night home.
It's interesting how it's different for everyone.