Couldn't sleep first night home post op any suggestions?
I had the same issue. It passed after the first week or 10 days at home. I slept sitting up the first couple of nights then switched to laying in bed except I propped my legs up on a wedge pillow (basically sitting position, laying on your back). This helped to redistribute the weight and I was able to sleep.
Hey Steve,
We all know the powers of a good sleep! So let's see if I can shed some light.
I had a really hard time with pain when I got home, so I made a mountain of pillows on my bed, so that I could lay back but still be in a sitting postion. I too put a pillow up and under my legs. That made a huge difference.
I am still sleeping sitting up against my mountain of pillows and gradually I have been making some strides in being able to sleep on my side. Though on my right side only - with a blanket tucked under my side to keep the skin from pulling and hurting my incisions.
I also have pillows on the sides so that I can rest my arms at a more comfortable height beings how I am sitting reclined.
I hope this is of some help to you ... and wish you sweet dreams