Eric's back, banded, and on the road to HEALTHY!!!!!!!
Hello everyone! Surgery went great and I am home. The nurses in the hospital said I was a "trooper". Walking around all over the halls the same day as the surgery. Thank God for this. I do have some discomfort in my abdomen. I guess this is to be expected. I can't sleep too well. I have been moving from the recliner to the bed and back and fourth. I started some liquids yesterday at around 12 noon. I thought I was going to vomit. The challenge for me is to get used to small sips and small bites. Today for lunch I can have what they call a 2a diet which consists of pureed thins that roll of a spoon.
Also, I had to meet with a nutritionist before leaving the hospital. I met three young ladies who also had bariatric surgery at the nutritionist's consultation. I mentioned this web sight and they said they have seen it however just read some of the posts without posting. I encouraged them to get on here. I hope they do. Alrighty! Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. I am officialy on the loseing side of this. I just need to get passed the healing and the pain and discomfort associated with the healing. Thanks Everyone!!!!