Did anyone see the PBS special on fat?
Did anyone see the recent PBS special "FAT: What they're not telling you"? It was pretty interesting...one of the things I found most interesting was about the complex nervous system found through the intestinal system....so complex and large that it's called a second brain. Scientists think this is what really drives our eating habits/urges and constantly struggles with the primary brain's "willpower." Another interesting thing....doctors are starting to think that one of the reasons gastric bypass is so successful is that the cutting to re-route the intestine cuts the nerves and therefore interrupts the messages to eat......... I hope they do more studies on this.
I watched it and felt it was one of the best things I had ever seen. IT dealt with all the emotional, discrimination problems but also explained WHY dieting just does not work for most people. I have my surgeon's pre-op appt on Tuesday and plan on asking him about the 2nd brain and those nerves being cut being the real reason most people lose weight after GB not the stomach being smaller. I hope he CUTS the right ones when I have my surgery on the 24th.