3 days until surgery!
Hey, everyone! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while. It's been crazy. I just got promoted at work and have been trying to deal with the additional workload and getting ready for surgery.
So...my surgery is Wednesday and I'm dealing with mixed emotions. Worried about it, wondering if I'm doing the right thing, wondering if I'm copping out, scared that it won't work...I've failed at so many things before. But I'm just hanging on, and I know that once the weight loss starts, I'll be so glad I did it.
I'm still waiting on a psych referral from MUSC. For some reason, I'm having a hard time getting a response. I'm really wanting to have someone to talk to during this whole process, and deal with the emotional/behavioral issues of my eating/obesity, as I know most of my problems are seated there.
I hope everyone is doing well and losing weight!

well by the looks of it seems your life is making a positive turn promotion at work!!!!!!! yipeeee for u.. I think we all are nervious about upcomming surgery and r we gonna be ok and how r we gonna feel about the choice..Afterwords!!!!
The way I am looking at it is I am making a choice for better heath and avoid the down fall of obesity realted illness and diabetes alone w/o being obease is a motivating factor why i am having it ..I want to control my diabetes not my diabetes control me
Just the fact i am on low calorie and no sugar my diabetes is in control with less meds already ..something i have not seen since i was discovered i had it a year ago I had levels well over 300 to 500 with being on byetta and glucaphage and glyburide and now just with glucaphage my diabetes is being well controlled and i have not had surgery yet.. and now my levels r in low 100's So i know now I am making the Right decsion .. see u on the losing side
My thoughts and prayers r with u on wed as it will be my surgery day as well
Be well
Nicole, I think that what you are feeling is very much what many of us are feeling. I am scheduled for my surgery on the 19th...I am nervous and like you wondering if i am making the right choice. I do believe that it will all be worth it in the end. Just keep reading what other people are feeling and take the support from this website. It's awesome to talk to so many people in the same situation as you are in.
Congrat's on the promotion...at least it is something to keep your mind busy and off the worries of the surgery. I work full time and find that right now I have too much time to think during the day.
Hang in there it will all work out wonderful in the end....ahhhh to be thin again!!!