After 5 1/2 YEARS!!!!!!
Hi all!!
I'm new to this board but been a member of OH since November of 2004. I'm happy to say that after 5 1/2 years of trying to get WLS, I finally have a date!!! My new birthday is April 23rd. I'm so excited!! Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and congrats on your dates as well!
Much Love!!
thank you Maritza!! My best friend in grade school was named Maritza!! How funny!
Well 5's the time line:
October 2001 - Started the process
April 2002 - Approved for Surgery
June 2002 - Supposed to have surgery........found out we were pregnant after trying for 18 months to have a baby
February 2003 - Had baby, was going to start process again
June 2003 - We were pregnant AGAIN!
February 2004 - Had baby starting process over again
September 2004 - Started 6 month doctor supervised diet.
March 2005 - 6 month doctor supervised diet complete and approval sent in to insurance
March 2005 - Denial came from insurance stating that effective in Jan, an exclusion had been put into the insurance policy.
August 2005 - tried going through the texas Rehabilitation Commission to get surgery paid for. they require a 12 month doctor supervised diet. I had continued my dr. supervised so I was almost done.
September 2005 - 12 month doctor supervised diet done.
October 2005 - Was told my doctor didn't document diet well enough and that I was going to have to do it again.
November 2005 - Found out we were pregnant again.
March 2006 - Became eligible for Medicare under Social Security disability. (I'm 31)
June 2006 - Had baby started process again.
July 2006 - Previous surgeon didn't take Medicare. Switched surgeons
August 2006 - Saw another surgeon. they were supposed to become a center of excellence by December. that's the only way Medicare will pay.
December 2006 - Surgeon's office was no where near being done with their center of excellence certification. Switched surgeon's
January 25, 2007 - Went to seminar, started getting all the tests and documentation the surgeon's office needed.
April 9, 2007 - My consult with the surgeon. Surgery FINALLY scheduled!!
April 23, 2007 - My Surgery Date!!!
See, it's been a LONG road!!
Wow, you definately have the patience of a saint! That's a lot of hoops to jump thru... but you did it! You didn't give up and now your day has finally come! And you had 3 wonderful babies along the way now that's a sweet blessing! Congrats on the date. I will be joining you on the losers side just a few days after your surgery!
(surgery scheduled for the 25th)