This diet SUCKS!
I'm so sick of watery soup and protein bars that I just had to come on and "Kick the dog".
Yesterday I got to watch the whole clan eat a nice ham dinner, and munch on leftovers and desserts the rest of the day. I ate "styro-foam" protein bars and chicken boullion.
I'm cranky. Lifeless, and just sick of it. I am down 8lbs. since Weds. 4/4/07 but I sure don't feel like celebrating.
Anybody else going through this?
HAHA!!! Sorry, that was me for the last 2 weeks!!! It was so hard, and I had a rough time. Beleive me. I cheated twice. Once at my best friends wedding and I had dinner at a really nice place in NYC. But, you know what? It was worth it. My surgeon said I did a great job with the liquid diet because my liver didn't have any fatty tissues and there was no grease or anything left over in my stomach, liver, or intestiens. It sucked big time but now I'm glad I stuck to it as best as I could. And I agree with you, I was angry, rude, *****y and everything else for those 2 weeks but people knew,haha. Best of luck and congrats on the weight loss. I lost 10lbs on my liquid diet!
yup, the liquid diet bites! I also had a moment of weakness and ate, but..try and stick with it! It's very important! they have to open you up if they can't get by your liver. I am seven days post surgery. Trust me, I was pretty down yesterday watching my family enjoy Easter and today is my birthday, freakin' woop, no cake no lobster...blah! but good note, I'm down 24 lbs since the whole deal started
I hear you!!! I am on the optifast diet and can't stomach them. My surgery is the day before yours, and I have cheated at least 3 times. But this week I am going to stick to it. I don't get protein bars though, just the drink. YUCKY!!!
But will try my best, just remember that in just over a week it will be our turn. Then we're on the losing side. WE CAN DO THIS

Yeah it does suck.... I watched my family eat and then i got home and know what I told my husband YOU GUYS SUCK>>>>...lmao.....After you have your surgery done I will share my war story and you can also...... Keep it up you are doing great...Ohh 5 days out and 16lbs. down....wooohooooo
I'm with ya!!!!!!!!!!! I was willing to trade my pinky finger for a sausage patty this am!!