I need help!

Hi Stacie,
I completely understand how you feel. I just keep reminding myself why I'm doing this. I know how hard it is, I have my strong moments and my moments when I want to eat everything and I can't get food out of my head. It feels just like when I quit smoking. I think food addiction is similar, it will get better...hang in there...you can do anything for another week!!!! also if you haven't tried it yet get a ice machine..it really help me when I think I'm hungery.
lol Jen

I stayed on the liquid through Christmas and almost went crazy. You haven't had your surgery yet right? It will be much easier after the surgery because you won't have the hunger you do now so you will have a feeling of fullness.
My surgery isn't until June so I went off the liquids and I have to go back on the liquids 4 weeks before the surgery so I know it will be hard but I get a dinner of 4 oz of meat and a portion of vegetables. I think everyone stays on liquids until they are going crazy and then they eat one meal like a pig (anything they want) and then go back on the diet the next morning. I shouldn't tell you that but everyone I have talked to tell me that they did that and they were fine after the surgery.
The purpose of the liquid is to get some weight off before the surgery so the doctor can operate easier and get to the areas he needs to go easier but one meal is every once in a while won't put the weight back on you.
Let me know how your surgery goes.....I can't wait for mine but I am very nervous.
I'm in the same boat.
I've cheated once everyday. I've had a few chicken wings. Cheese wrapped in a deli ham slice and a piece of Easter ham. Not all at once, but a little each day.
Am I proud of it? Hell no. But, I'm a carnivore. I NEED meat. I've lost 8 pounds since the 4th. So I'm not beating myself up over it.
Sorry. No magic bullet that I know of.
well i was a smart girl and scheduled dental work this week 1 root canal and fillings and then i scheduled a crown prep and teeth cleaning tommorrow seems to killed my hunger .. i am on this liquid diet and not losing which really bothers me.. but i think it will come off all at once .. i am consuming less than 1000 calories a day more like 800 calories ..
and yes easter dinner was a toughie i went out side while everyone ate and hauled dirt ..
i am not cooking tell after surgery ..
i warned the family plus i made sure they fixed food i do not like.. well they told me i could have a cup of soup if it got real bad which helped me
i am with u ..
thanks for the tips everyone! i have been feeling like i was being a typical fat girl because i wanted a bite of my hubbys catfish last night- i felt like i wouldnt have turned down a piece if he would have offered. i've had people tell me that i could cheat without cheating by chewing my food until its almost a soupy texture in my mouth. wish me luck keeping my sanity while trying to lose a few pounds before my new birthday next week- thanks again everyone!!!
Well I know how you feel....I too had to watch everyone.....But one thing is do you know that tomato soup is high in sugar and when you eat sugar and your body is coming down from the sugar you get hungry.......I would try to do cream soups but stay away from tomato.....I have been having cream of mushroom and it seems to keep me full....
This may be the lamest answer on the list but chew gum. Lots of it! I chewed and chewed and chewed 2,3,4 pieces at a time. It was all about breaking a habit of having to be constantly moving my jaws. Any Orbit gum was best for me because it blows bubbles which occupies your mouth a little more. I know... pretty lame but whatever, it worked.