Monday 4/09 Is my big day
Yes I noticed that not to many people are scheaduled for the 9th. I figure not many want to go in the day after Easter. Are you on a clear liquid diet? It was really hard the first day. Tomorrow is gonna be the hardest everyone is eating Easter Dinner while I drink mine. But the out come will all be worth it. I looked at your profile it is great. I am new to the site so I am not sure how to make mine like that. Good Luck Monday. Hope to hear from you when we get out. Sherry
Hi! My date is also on the 9th. I am ready! My doctor did not put me on a liquid diet before the surgery. However, he did advise me to try to eat chicken and drink low calorie drinks ths weekend. I can't say I've been true to his request, sadly. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. What time is your surgery? Mine is at 4pm. Good luck to y'all and I'll see you on the losers bench!