I have a cold!!!
I have the remnants of a cold and it has to be gone by Monday!
I had my temp filter put in on Wednesday and I don't think anyone listening to my lungs really heard it until I brought it up and then everyone wanted to listen. No one hears it unless I breathe out forcefully. They brought over Dr. Salomone from the Bariatric Clinic to listen and I asked him to write me a few presecriptions since my PCP in on vacation.
I told him that I know my body and everything will be fine by Monday and I'll be ready for surgery on Wednesday.
I see him Monday afternoon for a listen.
I think it was the Opti-Fast diet that did this. My body is trying to adapt to six shakes and two nutrition bars a day. I'm only supposed to have 25 calories per day of broth, sugar free drinks, sugar free popsicles or sugar free jello. That really doesn't allow for much. A half of the popsicle is 15 calories!
This too shall pass!
I also have the yuckies that have to be outta here by this Thursday!! I went in for my 1:1 with my surgeon last Wednesday and I had a fever and elevated heart rate!! What the...!?!?!?!?! So I now have lingering chest congestion. He wants to see me again Thursday to check the vitals again and make sure I'm ready for my big day on Monday, the 16th. I'm doing everything I can to get this crap outta here!!!
Best of luck to you