Top 10 most embarrassing things I have done being heavy ...
10) Buying 2 sticks of deoderant, 1 for my underarms and 1 for everywhere else!
9) Used photo shop to stretch out some pictures so I didn't look as heavy!
8) Compare myself to other heavy women making sure that I am the smaller out of the two.
7) Sweating profusely at work, when there was nothing to be sweating over.
6) Having my husband moving to another room/bed because he couldn't sleep in the same bed with me.
5) Bought a weight loss tool ... an electric belt that sent shocks into the fat cells causing them to loosen and weight loss to happen... what was I thinking.
and along these lines ...Bought Weight Loss sniffing pens ... you were to sniff them before each meal and they "supposedly" filled you up. Ummmm, yeah right!
4) Would go through fast food drive threws and order 2 meals ... both for me.
3) Closet candy eater.
2) Wore spandex undergarments to try and "suck" in some of the fat.
And the number 1 most embarrassing thing I have ever done while being heavy .... *insert drum roll here*
1) Was taking a medication - Zenical - for fat blocking, and ate a Wendy's Burger and fries ... nasty side effect ... farting grease. LMAO. 

*side note, I did ruin a pair of shorts that I really liked*
No one knows of my embarrassing moments ... until now

My most recent embarrasing moment occurred at a doorbuster sale at our new HEB Plus. They opened briefly on Thanksgiving morning at 5am for doorbusters and were selling a Compaq notebook computer for $100. They only had 25 of them and I was number 23 in line. We had to run from one end of the store to the other, weaving around their other goods for sale. As I rounded the corner in the frozen foods section, I suddenly felt very dizzy and happened to look down at my feet. I could feel my body falling forward as I continued to tell my brain, "Stand up! Stand up!" Well, it didn't work and I ended up sliding across the new concrete floor in a Superman pose...just like I was reaching for home plate. The worst part of the embarrasment? Many of the associates were standing around cheering us on. Being the wife of a General Manager of another retail establishment, I know they have it on tape and watched it over and over again! Sadly, I didn't get the computer and had an asthma attack in the middle of the store. It's nice that I can look back on it and have a good laugh!