The Fat Girl Syndrome ...
I went to the city yesterday with my mom and dad to meet my younger sister and younger brother for her birthday. We had a very nice lunch ... and then unbeknownst to me we were (mom and sister) going shopping for a birthday outfit for her.
Anyway, we went into these "little" stores ... and walking around in the store I was the biggest person there, and I felt so uncomfortable, so out of place. I hated being in there. I felt as if everyone were looking at me wondering why I was in that store. Which has me wondering further if I will ever be able to get over the "fat girl syndrome".
At one point after the 4th store I told my mom and sister that I would wait for them on the bench ... how ironic that there was a very heavy man sitting there waiting for his wife. The fat bench. Watching all of the pretty people walking by.
I will never go into a store like that again. Fat or not.
I can't even wrap my head around the thought that I won't be like this for much longer ... but I can't I can't get past the feelings of total sadness I have about being who I am right now.
Of course there are some other issues that I am feeling terrible about - the whole family dynamics thing. But I won't bore you all posting that here. I will post it on my profile.
Thanks for listening.

Aww I know what you is hard when people look at you like you have a bugger handing out of your nose...BUT
YOU have forgotten one thing....YOU ARE NOT THE FAT THAT IS ON YOUR BODY>>>>....You are in a suit that people for some reason like to stare at......You are the same now as the person you will be after you come out of that suit....I do understand what you mean,,,, But you have to stop beating yourself up for what the past had brought to you....You are changing the future. I know you love yourself, so just do your best and know WE the A-team are with you feeling what you feel and knowing what you are going through........IT WILL BE OK>>>>>...........
I know how you feel One day I was out shopping for my thin sister b day .. and this very thin sales lady came up to me and said you will not find your size here.. womens section is over there.... they MAY have your size ... i made a commet u mean u never shop for anybody else but your self ?
be well Lisa