I hate the protien drinks any suggestions? help
i have tried so many protien drinks they make me ill drinking them .. i can only tolerate glucerna barely .. Any suggestions? not to hip on the fruity ones and choclate and me do not mix well .. vanilla is the route i need to go .. i was thinking of the protien jello tasting shots r they really any good? how about pre made protien drinks? i need to find something quick .. any suggestions?
thanks Lisa
What drinks have you tried? I have tried Matrix 5.0 Cookies and cream....That one does not taste like anything I have tried in the past.. and I bought 3 kinda of a bariatric protein from allthewhey.com It was pretty good also....I have tried glucerna and these were better than that, Tell us more on why you do not like some and tell us what kinds they were maybe we can help then...Also your taste buds might change a little but after surgery so.....We can help so just tell us more about what you have tried and how you make them.
Alot of people have said that they like the pre made protein drinks much better. Also try them in a blender like a smoothie. Sounds disgusting
but I am willing to give it a try.
Let us know if you find a better solution. I am sure people who have had surgery will respond and be more helpful. Good luck.

I haven't tried too many but I have tried this one and I like it. It's called.... Carb Solutions (Cappuccino flavor). This is a ready made protein drink (20g) and they taste pretty good. They come in other flavors too but the cappuccino is my favorite. I like it over ice best! You can find them at most grocery stores or drugstores in a glass bottle. Hope this helps.