Surgery date cancelled, re-scheduled, then put back!!
Hi Ya'll
Yesterday was a bad day for me.
My surgeons office called and said my surgery had to be cancelled because the hospital wont accept my insurance. They had to move it to the 16th. I was so upset, after having been on liquids for 5 days. Then later that afternoon, Earline called and said..."you still wanna have your surgery Monday?"
DUHHHH I was soooo excited.

She apparently had spent the better part of the day trying to get things straightened out for me. I have ChampVa INsurance, which is government insurance. The hospital I was originally set up for did not accept Gov. insurance, so she just found one that would! I am having my surgery at Vista Hospital in Garland. It was supposed to be at Renassaince Hosp. in Dallas.
The nurse from Vista called me, and did all the pre-op questions, and I just have to show up Monday by noon! It was one heck of a day Friday. But I know from past experience that all things happen for a reason.. It all worked out by the end of the day and I am headed to the losers bench!!!!
I want to thank all the people that have been so supportive of me and rooted me on for my liquid diet. My angel, LIndy has been an angel! She has sent me encouraging messages and I really appreciate all the advice!
GOOD LUCK to ALL of us on Monday!!!!

Hi Barb,
I am so happy that everything has worked out so far...I still have to get there tomorrow and hope no one changes their minds again! I am sure you will be ok with your ChampVa ins. since it is your secondary. That hospital said that the ins. co. did not pay enough. I take it that they must charge more than the norm or something.
anyway, Your date is not too far away either, so I will keep a seat warm for ya!!
Thanks for your support!