April 18....Is the big day!
My big day is also april 18 .. so i guess i will not be alone .. I am having the lap band .. I must admit this all came so fast .. the approval the process.. had no idea how easy and painless to get .. i was thinking no way am i gonna make my surgery date april 18 poof it was approved the i was and still am full of up down emotions.. happy scared numb seems so unreal ...I am doing pre-ops and i am scared my surgery will be called off because they found something wrong .. where my emotions is at not looking forward to drinking protien diet .. but i am looking forward to be thin an buying clothes that have a teen .. something that is so foreign to me ..Good luck and be well
hey there April 18th WLS friends... this is my date also.. yeahhhh
i just seen Dr Patel today with a follow up and he is so sweet and nice. I also had to see Dr Max Gauroutte he is a cardiovascular Dr and will be inserting the IVC Filter as an out patient on April 5th. Dr Patel wanted me to have this. So the blood sucking needle lab tech had to stick me 3 times in the wrist.
I am a very hard stick and they had to dig the needle...3 bottles.... my blood tends to clot and be thick and sticky, this is why i needed the IVC filter to block clots. anyway i am home and tired and my wrist hurts.....
anyway Happy 18th to us... yeaaaaa