It won't be long now...
Next week the first brave "scouts" from the A- team go out. I'll be saying a little prayer for each of you. I'm sure you're all going to come back saying, " It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought", BUT until then I'll be sitting here chewing my fingernails down to the knuckles.
Good luck, and hurry back.
Thanks! I have spent the last two days trying to imagine what it will be like to be thinner. I told my husband that it is weird knowing I will be a "normal" size but have no idea what I am going to look like.
One thing for sure...I am looking forward to shopping! I will celebrate the day I can shop in ANY store.
Monday morning at 6am, my new life begins! It's been a weird week. Everytime I get dressed I keep thinking, "This is the last time I will ever be wearing this outfit". It's a great feeling, and I don't even have to put my clothes away at the end of the day. I toss them in the laundry, and from there they will go in a box, but they will never end up in my closet again.
God bless everyone and I hope we all pull through with flying colors.