Pre-op Diet - Yippy!!!
I have been on my pre-op liquid diet now for 9 days. Well, I decided to swing by my docs on the way home and jump on their scale. I am down 15lbs....Yippy.
That has motivated me more to get out and walk the next couple of days to see if I can drop a total of 20-25lbs total, before surgery next Monday!!
It's amazing how much you lose on 600-700 cal a day.

I start mine on the 5th...I want to know too. I think my brain has told my stomach that its not going to get served too much anymore bc since appointment with the surgeon and being told I have to do the liquid diet, I have been just wanting to eat!! The thing is I haven't been hungry-just wanting to get what I can while I can I guess. So PLEASE share some liquid diet tips
My two week pre-op liquid diet is Optifast supplied by my surgeon. I have six of those drinks and two of the nutrition bars per day. I can have other sugar free liquids, but not more than 25 calories worth per day. Did you know that sugar free popsicles have 15 calories!!! Sugar free jello has 10!!!!
I am not hungry at all, but my body does not tolerate the Optifast that well. Usually, fifteen minutes after drinking the stuff I am in the bathroom on the toilet!
Hang in there and this too will pass! (oops -- maybe I should have used a better word!).
Congratulations Dani
I have been on Slim fast low carb for almost two weeks. I'm suppose to have three shakes a day, but if I am really hungry I can have a fourth. I can also have Sugar free popsicles. I've lost 11lbs. My goal is to lose 5 more before Monday. Surprisingly, most of the time I am not hungry. If I do get hungry, I chug a glass of water and the feeling goes away. I've also been trying to do 30 minutes on the treadmill every day, which went great the first week, but then my 2 yr old got sick and wants mommy to hold him all the time. Hopefully I'll be able to get back in the swing of things today. Good Luck to everyone!