April 30th, anyone else?
Hey Rona, congratulations on your surgery day!! That is a good day because that is my birthday
My surgery date is April 4th.....a week from today!
I have been on a liquid diet since monday. I have to stay on it until tuesday night at midnight and then nothing until after surgery. That is about all I have to do to get ready.
Good luck

Congratulations Rona on your surgery date. Mine is April 10th. I have been preparing for surgery by sipping liquids, eating slowly, chewing my food thoroughly. I have been doing this since my nutritional class. At my first visit with my surgeon, i found out that i lost 6 pounds, i was totally shocked. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time, but i am ready. I wish you the best!
Congrats on the date Rona! I'm scheduled for April 25th! I go tomorrow to my P.A.T so I should find out more things on what I need to do to prepare for my surgery. I plan on shopping for the items I'm allowed to eat right after surgery so I have them in the house. I feel like you, nervous yet so excited! WE CAN DO IT!!!! Let's here it for the A-Team!!!!!
Hey Diana, don't fret about having to post-pone your surgery date. It's all good and I'm sure the next 4 weeks will go fast. Don't give up now... you've come so far. It'll be ok. Maybe take the next for 4wks to prepare mentally & physically for the surgery. Practice eating slowly, start walking, and do something fun for yourself to help ease any chitters you may be having. Hang in there hun, you're almost there and we will be right beside you! Now you can be on the A-Team with all of us... see it's a good thing afterall that your date got post-poned!