I know how you feel. Everyone keeps saying "Are you getting scared or nervous?" I am not afraid of having the surgery at all. It is after the surgery. My concerns are more of what symptoms will I have afterwards, how long will it take me to recover, etc. and I know everyone is different. Although everyone can share their experience our may be similiar but still unique.
ok. I bet you r thinking does this girl ever shut up! - Ha. When I get started I could talk forever. I will save some space for someone else. Good post! M.Y.

No keep talking we like it when you talk kinda like me going on and on......But atleast I don't act like a know it all......ewww I hate that..., But yes I do understand what you mean... It was the same with me I was fine and all with the point of surgery and I know to expect some discomfort. But someone asked me if I was scared of the pain ...