Ohh yeah me a wuss.....lmao 2 kids no pain meds 19 and 24 hours of labor of push breathe push breathe.... I am far from a wuss.....NOW MAYBE A BABY>......but no wuss....lmao.....Just fear of pain that is all. I had 2 surgeries back to back and I think I know what it is going to be like....SORRY I LET MY MIND WORK TOO MUCH>>......come on heart kick in .....
I apologize for my sarcasm. I was just trying to talk you down in my own, twisted, feeble manner. Forgive me?
The best things in life are often painful, and rarely easy. As a mother I know you realize that. This "discomfort" will be minute compared to child birth. Don't worry yourself over it.
That being said, I'm scared as hell, too. Who isn't. But I also know that a year from now I'll be saying, "this is the best thing I ever did for myself, and my loved ones". So will you.
So bring back the fiesty, scrappy Crystal. This one is weirding me out.

You know I can totally understand the fear of the unknown. The biggest thing for me is the anesthetic ... what if they don't give me enough and I wake up on the table???
Just thought that I would throw that out there incase no one else thought of that! lol ... just kidding.
( I know, not funny.) For me I am not afraid of the pain, with how much pain I have been in these past years, this should be a walk in the park! But the anesthetic is what freaks me out. *sighs*
I will rise above that as well ... I hope ... *gulp*