I just counted...18 scheduled for 4/2...are there more?
I went through the roster and found there are 17 others scheduled the same day as I am. There are many who haven't posted their dates so there could be more!
I thought it would be cool to start a thread for us 4/2'ers as we are less than a week and counting!
I'm 48 and I am having RNY. I live on Long Island, New York. My youngest two children live at home and another is attending college (I am hoping he will have trouble recognizing me when he gets home). I have hypertension, diabetes (that I have been able to control with diet), GERD (large doses of Nexium did nothing), joint pain, stress incontinence and sleep apnea. The sleep apnea was the last straw for me. I was so tired of hearing doctors tell me, "if you take off a little weight you will feel better." Did they think I didn't know that?
I am thrilled to be taking such a big step towards a healthier life. For too long I have lacked the energy to comfortably participate in life.

Checking in...I can't believe it's happening on MONDAY!!! I'm 33 and am also having RNY. I live in Andover NJ. I have a very supportive husband and 2 young children. I went for all of my pre-op testing on 3/26. When I came home my son, 6 yrs old, said "Mommy, why did you go to the hospital? Do you have another baby in your tummy?" I told him I was going to have an operation to help Mommy get skinny. He said, "Ok, but Mommy I love you just the way you are." Out of the mouths of babes!!!
I've got so many emotions going on right now....anxious, scared, excited, hopeful....I can't wait to start my new life. I can't wait to LIVE my life!!!!
Good Luck all 4/2 buddies and everyone else!

36 hours and counting!!!!!!!!!!
Kids say the greatest things! I have an 8 & 10 y/o at home. They both used their points in school to buy me something from the school store. Yes, you can imagine what they look like...but I am wearing them proudly! I will make sure to put them in my bag before I leave for the hospital. My older son is attending college in Ohio. He is in Atlanta now for the basketball championship games. He told me that both his team and I will come out winners on Monday. My husband is getting nervous now...I know he won't rest until he sees me.
Crazy is my latest emotion...nearly skipped out of my PCP's office when she gave me her clearance yesterday...scared...anxious...I think that will be tomorrow.
to all the 4/2er's out there!