Pre-op Prep 4 Post-op Success
My doctor has a pretty intensive list of pre-op requirements that I can't seem to follow on a consistent basis. For example, I have to drink 80-100oz of water; give up soda, crystal light, sweeteners, sugar, caffeine, fruit juice, decaf coffee, mints, gum, drinking w/ meals, snacking, etc. etc. etc.
I have complete trust in my doctor, and am even incurring about $2,000 in extra travel costs to have her perform it, instead of having it done locally, but I just can't seem to get my head out of my A$$ and follow all of the steps. They are steps, not obstacles, but when I started the process, I told myself that if I couldn't meet these goals pre-op, I would never be able to do them post-op, and I attacked each one vigorously. It's the combination of all of them, day-in and day-out that I am struggling with.
I guess my question is, has anyone else had such stringent requirements, not followed them to a "T" and been successful post-surgery? I am trying to get to our EAP counselors also and know that the mindset is a big part of the success, but these habits and behaviors I've had for 25+ years and can't seem to break them. Even when I follow them all for a solid week and don't feel deprived, I somehow get a weird unidentified trigger and then go buy ice cream or... well... ice cream.
My surgery is the 25th of April and I'm having a revision from previous stomach stapling (like they did in the 80's), so I have a huge fear of failure - again, but do feel like I'm doing what I should to be better prepared and informed about what I need to do post-op. I'm just afraid that, even in knowing all of these things, I will eat my way beyond the reason and support.
Anyone have this fear? I'm afraid I will be one of those people who can eat anything after surgery and not go into dumping. As awful as I've heard it is, I look forward to dumping, in hopes that it will be the one thing that helps me stay away from the bad stuff.
And, don't even get me started on the smoking part. I had to give that up (thank God I did), but every minute of every day I know that the pre-op urine test is the only thing keeping me from buying a pack and smoking the whole thing.
I'm a head case, right?
I have to find a way to address that, but could use some, "we've all been there," support.

My doctor allows crystal lite, (decaf)tea, water; anything without sugar or caffeine or carbonation. Diet soda is my weakness, but I understand the "bubbles" will stretch my pouch, and that kind of defeats the purpose! I haven't had my surgery yet (4/2), but I do understand the reasons for the restrictions. Good luck! Becki