My dr and nutritionist work very close toghether and she told me yesterday that I wouldnt have to go on a liquid diet. Some Dr.S say weeks, days. I guess it depends on the person as well . She told me the purpose of a liquid diet is to lose weight before surgery basically. And I have lost 20 lbs so maybe when I go on Wednesday she'll tell me not to eat 24 hrs before . Im sure gonna ask thanks for the post.
Hey Maritza
Since I started with the Weight Wise Clinic in September I have lost a total of 42 pounds! Yayyy me.
I have to go in on April 5th for my "final weigh in" before surgery and that weekend I have to eat "light" ... ummm, don't they know that it is Easter???
So that is going to be a struggle.
For two weeks after surgery I have a liquid diet ... though my dietian said if it is the consistancy of apple sauce I am good to go ... do you think I could puree a borrito with extra cheese, sour cream and salsa?
After my 2 week liquid I can gradually start to add soft solids.
All I can say is thank god that I don't have to do this 2 week liquid diet pre op like some ... I would crack!
Later girl,