Hi Pateisha don't be nervous you will do fine. The positive out ways any negative and I have heard too many positive things about the Lap Band. I have close friends that have had it and no one regrets it. You know why you want to have it and that is what I constantly remind myself of. The possibliity of losing these things: highblood pressure, acid reflux, sleep apnea, arthritis (in my spine) or at least the pain from it will ease up without the weight, and last but not least obesity! Just think about how your wardrobe will differ this summer , fall (my favorite) and winter. You know that puts a smile on my face! M.Y.
Hey my surgery date sista!
When I heard I got my date last week I didn't really know how to react. I was elated ... though at the same time scared as hell. I have had the complete lapband procedure explained to me in great detail 2 times now, and that makes things easier ... but for me it is being put under that freaks me out.
I had a breast reduction done some years back and they had a hard time waking me from the anesthetic .. that's kinda freaky.
In any event - I just keep thinking about being able to be outside with my kids this summer playing and having fun ... and maybe even daring to wear a bathing suit this summer!
But we will see about that.
I just can't wait to get my life back on track ... and that track is a size 10
Well my sista, I am so glad that you are here.