Anybody else over-do it this weekend?
I think that everyone deals with stress differently.. I WAS an emotional eatter...You need to right now deal with why you do what you do....Next time you wanna eat all that you did... Stop your self MAKE yourself stop. Slow down and think what am I doing. I think that many of us eat with out thinking.....I know this is a serious subject but I AM SO
CHICKEN BUTT...........COW BUTT>>>>>LOL>>>>>>>>>>
I hate it when it gets serious.......I have 14 more nights before my surgery, I am sure that I will want ICCCCCEEEEE CCCCCREEEAAAAMMMMM before then......Bad ICE CREAM...lmao.......Yeah I think that you are doing the normal thing David....
I have been trying to get in all my favorite foods, but not over doing it.
I start my liquid diet on monday so I have to eat what I can for the next 5 days. I weigh in on Monday morning and then again the day before surgery. If I dont lose any weight in those 10 days............then they reschedule the surgery. So, I am going to eat BIG on Sunday so I am sure to at least lose a couple of pounds before the
Dont worry David, you are not alone