April 27th is the big day!
Hello Brena,
My date is April 4th. Welcome to our group.
That is exactly what this group is all about. Helping each other thru the good and bad times. I find it helps coming on here everyday and reading about what others are going thru. I try to blog at least a couple of times a week. I dont know if people read it or not, but it helps me to look back and see what I have gone thru
Feel free to add me to your friends. We need all we can get!

Hi Brenda
First of all I would liek to welcome you to our board!
Congrats on getting your surgery date!
My surgery is scheduled for April 26th and I could not be more excited to get it.
I have waited a long time(6 months) for this and could not be happier to get it. Of course there is some normal anxiety that I am having too.
I am scared too so don't feel like you are alone in this.
We are all awaiting our big day here and I am sure that there are many who are just as scared about this as what you and I are.
Good luck to you with your surgery and I wish you a speedy recovery.

, I made another mistake in that last message... Did you notice it?? LOL! I ment to say I must have pushed a D when I was typing your name!! LOL! It was late last night when I typed both of those messages! LOL! I must have been in dreamland when I typed them up! LOL! Sorry about all of this! I am such a idiot! LOL!!!

Hi Brena! My surgery is the same day as yours! and I am very very nervous! not so much scared just nervous and excited! this is a major step we are taking and the feelings you are having are normal.... hang in there girlie it will be alright! and you will pull through this with flying colors wait and see! keep me posted!