Ok confession time... I am a coffee addict. Seriously. I love coffee. I live for coffee. I drink it everyday all day long. I realize that this is a problem. LOL I have my pre-op 03/22 so I haven't gotten to see what the post op diet looks like yet and I'm wondering what you guys have heard or know about coffee after surgery.
Of course I realize that I won't be able to drink it like I do now... but will I be able to have any after surgery?? I'd be happy with being able to have one cup in the a.m.
I know I'll never be able to drink carbonated pop, but that's ok... I'm not that in to pop anyway... It's the coffee....
Another concern I have is that I love water and I know that we have to drink 64 oz a day but I'm afraid that b/c we have to sip it that I'm going to feel thirsty all the time. Any thoughts?
I'm in the same boat. I fill up my mug first thing when I punch in and probably refill it a half dozen times a day.
I was told NO CAFFIENE, period. I started on decaf Jan.1. I dropped soda all together. However, decaf still contains some caffiene. So, I plan on giving it up for at least 90 days after surgery.
From what I understand, alcohol and caffiene, hit WLS patients much harder than folks with a normal digestive system. Neither are recommended after surgery.
Our lives our going to change in so many ways. I'm still trying to get mentally prepared for it all. Sacrifices are going to be forced upon us, but it's a small price to pay for a second chance at an active, normal life.
Chocolate. Proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. (or was that marijuana?).
Anyway. From what I understand, our pouches won't tolerate sugars or most types of refined carbs
So, that'll be a good behavior modification tool for us RNY types. Lap banders, your mileage may vary. Good luck.