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Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
Good luck on the 5K. I used to run at least one a month when I was overweight and on active duty. It's been over 12 years and 140 pounds since I did one and I was planning on doing a Pre-SuperBowl 5K, but when I got up that morning the windchill was -20 so I decided to stay in bed where it was warm. I've been increasing my walking/running on the treadmill lately and hope to do a race soon. We'll have to compare to keep each other motivated. In January I walked/ran 10 miles. This month I've done 33 miles already....4 miles last night. My goal is to get to 50 miles a month and some 5Ks.
Good luck on Sunday and let me know how you did.
Topic: RE: gripe.. and a carb craving suggestion
Stacey, I don't think you are eating too much. When pregnant a woman needs around 400 extra calories a day for the baby.
Yes, frozen pudding pops are great. I have been making them myself. I have used chocolate SF pudding, I will have to try some other flavors too.
Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
I am not on liquids today, and to be honest I don't think I could do that unless there was a medical issue going on and I needed to do it for that.
But, I wanted to wish you well on running your first 5K. That is something I definitly could not attempt but I admire your ambition and fortitude.
Topic: RE: gripe.. and a carb craving suggestion
I wouldn't worry... I think 965 calories is plenty reasonable considering you are pregnant. If you're overly worried then talk to your nutirionist and make him/her sit down with you and develop some sort of meal plan
What a great way to change up the flavors of pudding pops! i usually buy the sugar free fudge pops at walmart..but they only have fudge flavored. This way you can have different flavors! After I get done with this 3 day liquid "diet" I'm going to give those a try.

Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
I typically can do pretty good until about 4 p.m. I don't know what it is about this time of day...but I got to absolutely have something in my mouth. Then around 8, I feel the same thing. If I managed to do good until that point, my good day is usually blown at that time LOL. I have recently discovered I can eat two pieces of thin crust pizza and then probably 45 minutes later, have another piece. It is ridiculous. I can see now how people can "eat" their way around the gastric bypass. I can hear my nutritionist now... "that is why you eat 3 meals and set times and nothing else" *sigh* I'm going to check out that training program! thanks!
Topic: gripe.. and a carb craving suggestion
I am 100% with you.
Preganncy truly isn't making it much easier when they are telling me to eat carbs. I have been for baby. I know Ketosis is dangerous for a fetus.
I usually try and gt my carbs from fruits.
Other wise south beach diet products like thier pizza.
some days I feel like I can eat a ton. I know it's no where near what I was eatting preop.
Whn even I freak out my hubby tends to meassure it for me and it's not a huge amount. He swears it's because I eat off of one or our toddlers plates.
but for example so far today:
1 protien shake 5am
I made a salad with 1 cup lettuce, 1.5 ounces ham, 3 oz turkey, 2 oz cheese and 3 T dressing. them commensed to eat half on break at 7am
930am I am eatting half a south beach diet cheese pizza.
I will probably eat the rest of my salad later
Dinner is a couple ounces of pot roast and 1.4 cup mashed potatoes
when put all this into fit day INCLUDING A FULL PIZZA (which I only ate half but will edit that to half at the end of the day if I truly don't touch it.)
my totals are:
Totals 965 34 58 112
If I only eat half the pizza this is what it changed too..
Totals 795 28 40 97
blah I am not sure how I feel about this.
However I did come up with a kick A$$ alternative to SF popcicles all the time..
I was wandering through the mall and passed by the tuperware display, I got a flash back to my childhood of summers when my mom would pull out her 'tups' (the popcicle molds) and make me and my sis pudding pops
*flash* SF pudding??? I can have SF pudding!!!
I bought a set
each set has 6 2 oz container.. a serving of pudding is 70 cals ( I think) and 4 oz.
so a 35 cal of frozen pudding goodness
made this pregnant momma happy!
SF banana and SF butterscotch have been the 2 I have made so far
SO I reccomend makign you own pudding pops

Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
April, I just wrote out (honestly) all the things I ate yesterday in my profile. I'm kind of disgusted. I brought a tiny cup of cottage cheese to work and some beef jerkey in case the need to chew gets too bad.
Thanks for the congrats! I looked up the "couch to 5K" program on Google and I have been doing that. It is amazing what you can do when you ramp up to it. I never thought I could run for as long as I can now. I'm still not up to running the whole time, but I'm not in it to win or anything, just to finish.

Topic: RE: All Liquids Today
I'm right there with you!! I too feel like it is an insane amount of food I've been able to eat. Plus, my nutritionist thinks I need to lower my calories from 800 to 600. I wanted to cry. The only way I can do that is if I detox from everything but protein. So, I'm doing protein drinks and water all day...if I absolutely need to, I'll add sugar free jello and popsicles. I want to try this for at least 3 days. Hopefully, that will get rid of the want for carbs and shrink the ole pouch a little...give her a rest. At least that is the plan
It is amazing that you're running a 5K. Congratulatiosn!! I want to do something like this but have no idea how to train for something like that. I can do a 20 min. jog on the treadmill without keeling over. Good luck with it on Saturday. Let us know how it goes

Topic: All Liquids Today
So, I am doing one all liquid day today. I am not sure what I hope to accomplish... well no. That's a lie. I want to shrink my pouch so that I am not eating SO MUCH FOOD. I think it is insane how much I can eat. I am hoping that a liquid diet will restrict the size of my pouch a bit. Do you think I will have to do liquids for more than a day?
I am running my first 5K on Sunday and I don't really want to commit to a week of liquids only because I don't want to be too weak to do the run.
Anyway, anyone else on liquids today? Jump on in. We can complain together! ;-D
Topic: RE: Cravings at THAT time of the month
Sue, I am in my 50's and I still have those craving at that time of the month. I am like you and I feel like I need to eat something chocolate,
I dont think that it will ever go away.
I dont crave carbs to much though, but occasionlly I do.